
Setting up a part time office at Elverket/Dansens Hus being in technical residence with Gunilla Heilborn & Dante, Mari Carrasco & Burn baby burn and Stina Nyberg & Chest. Cuddling up on the night train Umeå to go perform Sweet with Stina Nyberg at Norrlandsoperan. Feeling the opposite of cuddly in major funding application deadline mode. 

+ free palestine 


Saying voyage voyage to Mari Carrasco as the team of Burn baby burn goes for a two week residency at Dansplats Skog and them waiving back to us as we go to Ice Hot in Oslo with Adam and Amina Seid Tahir and Philip Berlin to perform several attempts at braiding my way home and Le Scenario. Enjoying sweaty guitar stringy whatsapp video content from Stina Nyberg from the studio at The Chocolate Factory Theater in New York where she is in residency with composer Kaki King for Chest. Spending time between our own small office and the studio at SITE where Gunilla Heilborn continues the rehearsals for Dante

 + moving Sara into her new apartment 


Premiering Dante at Elverket and touring with Ludvig Daae and Spiti to Stockholm and Gothenburg. Starting full team rehearsals of Stina Nybergs production Chest. Sara travels to Lausanne to spend time with the Life Long Burning Network at Festival Programme Commune. Throwing flowers on stage for Liz Kinoshita and Norrdans visiting Stockholm with the new work Midnight Oil.

+ going to the homecoming concert with Fever Ray, welcome back bbs


Premiering Burn baby burn at Elverket followed by a tour with Dansnät, touring with Lisen Rosell and Blomsterkiosken to Folkteatern and Teater Tribunalen and Amanda Apetrea/Halla Olafsdottir Sälkvinnorna to Tou, spending time in the studio with Stina Nyberg and the team of Chest.

+ being fools/fooled


Premiering Chest at Elverket, touring with Ludvig Daae and Tove Berglund and Meningen med livet and Adam and Amina Seid Tahir and several attempts at braiding my way home to Rakete festival in Vienna.

+ chasing sunbeams again 


Spending time with residencies in Hörken, touring with several attempts at braiding my way home to the URB festival in Helsinki, curating and producing Culture Policy Gathering in collaboration with MDT.

+ tending to the forever neglected garden surrounding Butiken



Dividing, but not conquering. For most of January, you can find Terry in New York working with Stina Nyberg at a double bill show at Pageant including a new dance from the Make Hay While the Sun Shines series featuring Katy Pyle and Iréne Hultman Monti and a unplugged version of her most recent solo Sweet, as well as developing new work in collaboration with the musician Kaki King. Sara stays more local, teaching at Stockholm University of the Arts, keeping in conversation with BamBam Frost performing YES at Festival Parallèle 13 and spending time in Ljusdal with Philip Berlin and the team of Le Scénario. Ending the month with reviewing the Open Calls for this spring's residencies in Butiken in Hörken

+ eating bagels :)


Premiering Philip Berlins Le Scénario on the 3rd of February in Ljusdal followed by shows at Dansens Hus on the 8-9th. Starting the residency period of Sälkvinnorna with Amanda Apetrea and Halla Ólafsdóttir at MDT. Traveling to spend some time in Norway with Ludvig Daae and the upcoming production Spiti. Heading back to teach at Stockholm University of the Arts for a few more days.

+ turning every stone for spring signs 


Premiering Sälkvinnorna by Apetrea/ólafsdóttir at MDT. Fangirling as Norrdans comes to Stockholm with their new production Terrarium in collaboration with OR/ELLER. Travellin to Vienna to start up a new Life Long Burning collaboration for MDT, followed by some touring with Sälkvinnorna to Atalante in Gothenburg and Daae/Nordahls The Viral Dance in Norway. Heading back to Stockholm to continue this spring’s course at Stockholm University of Arts.

+ turning every stone for spring signs pt. 2


Bringing Stina Nyberg's Make Hay While The Sun Shines to Atalante in Gothenburg and Dansstationen in Malmö. Before we go back to the last sessions at Stockholm University of the Arts for this spring, we travel around to lovely colleagues in Europe to get inspired for our residency space Butiken. 

+ enjoying a holiday break, spending time with chosen family and our streaming accounts


Moving between Hörken where we start up this year's residencies in Butiken and Stockholm where we premiere Ageplay with Amanda Apetrea and Lisen Rosell at Konträr and continue the work with Ludvig Daae's new piece Spiti. Taking that that midnight train going on tour with Ofelia Jarl Ortega and Bien y Mal to Dansehallerne in Copenhagen and Arsenic in Lausanne. Tour planning with Adam & Amina Seid Tahir as they bring their work several attempts at braiding my way home to Kunsten and beyond. Swinging by Norrdans at STHLM DANS and Scenkonstbiennalen. 

+ planting summer flowers in the garden in Hörken, coping with our pollen allergies


Praying for good weather when we spend time with the residencies in Hörken, and MDT's summer festival Lustholmen

+ dreaming about the upcoming summer vacation


Bringing Ofelia Jarl Ortegas Bien y Mal to Impulstanz.

+ vacation


Restarting the computers and accompanied headspace, going on tour with Ludvig Daae & Tove Berglund & Meningen med livet through the north of Sweden and with Adam & Amina Seid Tahir with several attempts at braiding my way home to Kampnagel in Hamburg. Settling into our new office space at SITE.

+ reminiscing about the long lost summer vacation


Going on tour with Philip Berlin and the team of Le Scenario with Dansnät Sweden, premiering Spiti with Ludvig Daae at Baerum Kulturhus in Norway, starting the first production period of Chest by Stina Nyberg with a residency at all time favorite Hallen, doing a bunch of application work and teaching at Stockholm University of the Arts.

+ fangirling at My Wild Flag Festival


Heading on tour to Norway, BIT and Meteor festival with Ofelia Jarl Ortega and StM - A version + with Gunilla Heilborn and the team of 37 timmar och 3 minuter at Espoo Theatre in Finland. Starting the autumn residency season Ellen Norlund and Siri Jennefelt as well as a producers residency for five participants. Starting production with Pontus Pettersson and the upcoming premiere of MOPA - The Last Stand and spending time with Reza Mirabi while in Life Long Burning residency at MDT.

+ entering trains and their tracks and our traveling hacks-season again


Setting up several attempts of braiding our way home with Adam & Amina Seid Tahir for a lovely long-run at MDT, touring with There will be men by Cornelius & Amanda Apetrea to Inkonst and Lisen Roselll and Blomsterkiosken to Örebro. Getting into production mode with Stina Nyberg and Ingela Ihrman as they continue their work with their upcoming show Duetten, and meeting up for the first residencies for Gunilla Heilborn’s new piece Dante.

+ probably prescribing to yet another streaming site for additional fantasy (Sara) and reality TV (Terry)


Premiering MOPA - The Last Stand at MDT and Duetten at Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus.

+ clearing the calendar



Teaching two classes at Stockholm University of the Arts, developing work in the studio with Gunilla Heilborn and Ofelia Jarl Ortega and working with BamBam Frost and the return of YES (yesss!) at MDT. Working with the Life Long Burning Network, doing application work, reading submissions and connecting with the participants for the upcoming residency periods in Hörken 2022.  

+ eating holiday leftovers, trying to put our think tank hats back after vacation.


Premiering 37 timmar och 3 minuter with Gunilla Heilborn at Elverket and bringing Dirgy Dancing by Lisen Ellard to Stockholm and Dansens Hus. Spending time with Ludvig Daae and their upcoming creation in Hörken, checking in with Stina Nyberg and the sweet people at Norrdans for their upcoming premiere of The Dawn Chorus. Wrapping up at SKH and doing practical preparations for the residency periods in Hörken. 

+ accumulating silly office memorabilia for our shared space - send us something!


Heading to the premiere of The Dawn Chorus with Stina Nyberg and Norrdans, peeking in on Marcus Baldemar’s work with the new piece Final Fantasy at Dansplats Skog, touring with Daae/Nordahl’s The Viral Dance to Atalante in Gothenburg as well as Ofelia Jarl Ortega and Hegemony + Amanda Apetrea and Halla Ólafsdóttir’s DEAD to Dansehallerne in Copenhagen.

+ revisiting spending a lot of time on trains. 


Returning via a sliding door to Dansehallerne for Stina Nybergs Thunderstruck. Spending time at Stockholm’s city libraries with both Marcus Baldemar and Eliisa Erävalo’s piece Marcus Lär Sig Finska and Norrdans If Only I Knew. Going to our home away from home Malmö with Ofelia Jarl Ortega and Hegemony showing at Dansstationen.

+ chasing sunbeams.


Spending time in Hörken with our first residency teams, working with Ofelia Jarl Ortega's new piece Bien y Mal, experiencing new works at festivals in Sweden and abroad.

+ repressing our pollen allergies.


Showing Ofelia Jarl Ortega’s StM - A version and Stina Nybergs Make Hay While the Sun Shines at MDT’s festival Lustholmen, doing residency work, deepening conversations at Wiberg & Nybergs composium A Thinking Practice at Hägerstensåsens Medborgarhus, spending some the at Scenkonstbiennalen and traveling to Ice Hot with the selected works and pitch sessions by Ellard/Lech, BamBam Frost and Ofelia Jarl Ortega.

+ preparing for that sweet autoreply. 


Autoreply: out of office - see you when those leaves turn!


Finally :) starting rehearsals with Marcus Baldemar and the project Finally Fantastic, spending som studio time with BamBam Frost and the dream team of dream beam, getting a sweet tooth with Stina Nyberg as she starts the work with her autumn solo, doing a work-in-progress show of Meningen med livet with Ludvig Daae and Tove Berglund and planning for the autumn to come.


Spending time at Brådjupa with Marcus Baldemars residency + showing for Finally Fantastic and Gunnilla Heilborns showtime for 37 timmar och 3 minuter, doing residency work at Butiken i Hörken with Tilman O'donnell and Sunniva Vikør Egenes + hosting a meet up session for freelancing producers, checking out In the act of weaving where Marcus Baldemar holds a session sprung out of the current explorations of care work and getting in some studio hours with our collaborators in production mode which now includes Ofelia Jarl Ortegas team of Bien y Mal and Gunilla Heilborn with Merkurius.


Major production-month and the premieres of Ofelia Jarl Ortegas Bien y Mal, Marcus Baldemars Finally Fantastic and Stina Nybergs Sweet at MDT + touring Nybergs Make Hay While the Sun Shines to Rum för Dans.


Premiere with BamBam Frosts dream beam and Gunilla Heilborns Merkurius, visiting Norrdans on tour with Cave, touring with Marcus Baldemar and Finally Fantastic to Dansinitiativet + doing some off season work at the Store in Hörken.


Cooking up some things to be announced.



Making plans with the help of colorful post-its, diving into the VR world of Alone Together by Robin Jonsson, taking the night train to Berlin to engage in a new process with Marcus Baldemar and seeing dance at Tanz im August, wrapping up a report about the state and the future of the freelance field post-pandemic funded by the Swedish Arts Council, starting many conversations about projects that will happen in the future - near and far.

+ eating cheese, fixing a broken car, sending emails, taking walks. 


Premiering Alone Together at Re-Think Festival at beautiful Norrlandsoperan, joining Stina Nyberg and the crew of Make Hay While The Sun Shines at Bråddjupa Festival, feeling joyous as Polari Speaking Sex by Marcus Baldemar shows at Dansstationen, meeting peers at Producer’s Academy in Brussels, heading to Oslo with Landscape by Ludvig Daae at Dansens Hus, engaging with colleagues at Life Long Burning network in Budapest for MDT, teaching at Stockholm University of the Arts and The Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg, sending party emojis to Stina Nyberg as she premieres Lucky Numbers for Riksteatern at Vitlycke Centre for Performing Arts, applying for funding for future dream projects. 

+ spending many hours on trains, finally finishing our book club read “As radical, As mother, As salad, As Shelter: What Should Art Institutions Do Now?”


Visiting Gothenburg for Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival and the Nordic program Stages that we’ve curated with works by Sonya Lindfors, Kristin Ryg Helgebostad/Laura Marie Rueslåtten, Snorre Elvin and Mariana Suikkanen Gomes, premiering There Will Be Men by Amanda Apetrea and Mica Sigourney at MDT, teaching at Stockholm University of the Arts, hanging out in the studio with Gunilla Heilborn, producing guest performances at MDT, touring virtually all around Sweden with Alone Together by Robin Jonsson, touring live with Ofelia Jarl Ortega’s Hegemony to BIT Teatergarasjen in Bergen. 

+ restocking bundles of candles for the changing season, celebrating Sara’s birthday.


Following the new pieces by Robin Jonson, Marcus Baldemar & Eliisa Erävalo, BamBam Frost & Lydia Östberg Diakité and Shirley Harthey Ubilla to their premieres, producing guest performances at MDT, teaching at Stockholm University of the Arts, embracing local closeness at Närheten, engaging in dance history with Samlingen.

+ googling light therapy, sending memes to each other.


Back in the studio with Gunilla Heilborn, premiering Dirgy Dancing by Lisen Ellard at Skogen in Gothenburg, celebrating Christmas with JULEN by Tove Berglund and Ludvig Daae at Norrlandsoperan.

+ watching fireplace videos on youtube.